Let's Get It Started . . .
Merry Christmas! Yeah, another blog. Like you really need another one of those right?
I promise not to let this turn into what the others already are . . . feel free to hold me to that. I wanted to start this blog so I can have my own place besides my facebook status and tweets to ramble about stuff. I'll mainly just be talking about Hip Hop, R&B, funny stuff I find on the net, my family (wife and 2 kids), and of course DJ stuff. This will definitely be the spot where I highlight some of my favorite artists that you need to know about. There's a TON of artists here I'll be telling you all about REALLY soon. I plan to post their music and post some interviews with them too.
It's all on the way so make sure you stop back through and check out the blog, the mixes, the videos, and all the other shit I'll be hitting you with.
- DJ Jonasty aka Ralphie's Dad in the Flesh